Proxy Policy 2023

The Game Chamber 
Proxies, 3rd Party Models & 3D Prints
Store Policy - Last Updated 24 Feb 2023
At The Game Chamber, we pride ourselves on providing a fun, inclusive space that welcomes players of all backgrounds and beliefs. Whilst we are a business first and foremost and some of our decisions must be made with that in mind, we still continuously push to make our space available to as many people as possible to play as many games as possible in as many ways as possible. I'll say possible once more then move on. Possible.
It's not news to anyone that in the last decade or so, 3D printing has gone from being an expensive method of prototyping to an affordable and fun way to produce products at home, this has manifested within the wargaming community as a way to produce proxies, alternate sculpts and even complete armies for the games we love. Whilst this policy doesn't solely concern 3D printing, it is this shift in the industry over the last few years that was the catalyst for it to be updated for 2023, in almost all aspects this new policy is more open and more inclusive than previous iterations. For clarity, moving forward, any model other than an officially licensed model produced for the game in question, be that a 3d print, model from another game system or other replacement will be referred to as 'Proxy'
Game Tiers
Game Systems at The Game Chamber will be split into 'Tiers', with each tier having a specific set of rules for proxies. These tiers are not used to denote the popularity of the game, it's performance at the store or it's attendance at events, but instead are decided on availability of product, the company's production of models and the game's rules regarding proxies. The games listed are not definitive and are subject to change. If you don't see a game listed below, assume it's in Open Tier or contact us for more information.
Flagship Tier
Warhammer 40k, Age Of Sigmar, Crisis Protocol, Star Wars Legion, Star Wars X-Wing/Armada
Full model proxies are allowed with the following caveats:


- You have the original, official model (and any applicable cards) available to show/use.
- It is cleared with the TO (Tournament Organizer)
- It is cleared with your opponent
- It doesn't affect WYSISYG rules where applicable*

Part model proxies (i.e - weapons, heads, shoulder pads) are allowed with the following caveats:
- It is cleared with the TO (Tournament Organizer)
- It doesn't affect WYSISYG rules where applicable*

Open Tier
Lord Of The Rings, Horus Heresy, The Old World, Warcry, Necromunda, Blood Bowl & Other Non 40k/AoS Games Workshop, Bolt Action, Infinity, Privateer Press
Full model proxies are allowed with the following caveats:
- It is cleared with the TO (Tournament Organizer)
- It doesn't affect WYSISYG rules where applicable*

Part model proxies (i.e - weapons, heads, shoulder pads) are allowed with the following caveats:
- It is cleared with the TO (Tournament Organizer)
- It doesn't affect WYSISYG rules where applicable*
*including, but not limited to, base sizes & line of sight rules

Tournament Tiers
The above rules are applicable for regular monthly tournaments held by and at The Game Chamber, for any 'larger stakes' events, such as Qualifiers, Store Championships or Ontario/National League events stricter rules may apply. Non-tournament games, such as casual nights, are not covered by this policy and for the most part will be 'as long as your opponent is cool with it, then so are we.

Please note, that whilst this policy welcomes the use of proxy models in the correct circumstances, things such as Copyright and Trademarks exist and The Game Chamber will always function within the law. Please be mindful of these issues when purchasing proxy models.
This is a living document that may and will be updated and adjusted at anytime as we receive feedback from the community, feel free to contact us on social media or email